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    Trauma Therapy Intensives

    EMDR Therapy/Trauma Intensives

    If you don’t have the time for weekly sessions or want to work through a specific belief or behavior pattern in a shorter period of time, an intensive may be right for you. It can also be less expensive in the long run instead of ongoing weekly sessions for months at a time.

    3-4 Hour Intensive  – $1,050.00

    Includes an initial assessment of 1-1.5 hours and then scheduling a 3 to 4 hour Processing/Therapeutic Session with breaks when needed.

    6-8 Hour Intensive – $1,850.00

    Includes an initial assessment of 1-1.5 hours and then scheduling 6 to 8 hour Processing/Therapeutic Sessions within two days with breaks when needed

    12-14 Hour Intensive – $3,150.00

    Includes an initial assessment of 1-1.5 hours and then scheduling 12 to 14 hour Processing/Therapeutic Sessions within three days with breaks when needed.

    16-18 Hour Intensive – $3,850.00

    Includes an initial assessment of 1-1.5 hours and then scheduling 16 to 18 hour Processing/Therapeutic Sessions within four days with breaks when needed.

    * Please note: Upon scheduling an appointment for intensive therapy, we require a 50% deposit and the other 50% is due at the initial appointment. Please keep in mind that if you need to cancel or re-schedule your intensive appointment, we require no later than 14 days notice. If you cancel or re-schedule your intensive session, less than 14 days in advance you will forfeit your deposit that was paid when the appointment was originally scheduled.

    Click Here to Pay for EMDR Training

    “You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you’re doing. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.”

    –Alan Alda

    EMDR Therapy FAQ

    Why consider EMDR Therapy?

    When we go through something traumatic in our lives, this event or ongoing events start to create neural pathways (red wiring) that tell us negative beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. For example, our mom ignores our needs after we are born, a core belief of “I am unlovable” or “I can’t trust anyone” may start to be appear. If you are a first responder, a situation where you did everything you could and a life was lost may cause feelings of guilt and a belief that “I am not good enough” or “It was my fault.” We then live our lives with this red wiring dictating our decisions for us. We either try to block or shut down any triggers that may cause us to feel unlovable or reinforces the belief I can’t trust anyone. Maybe we end up in situations that reinforce the red wiring and cause us to tell ourselves internally, “See, what I believe is true.” For most of us, these core beliefs are not acknowledged or brought into our awareness. We go through life believing that bad things just happen to us, we are unlucky, and we are never going to have a good relationship. These beliefs are ingrained in us, due to our experiences, through the neural networks and our cells. Our mind and body continue in these patterns that are maladaptive or self-destructive. EMDR Therapy helps process and shift these beliefs and feelings to the positive beliefs and feelings in a short amount of time.

    How does EMDR Therapy help?

    EMDR Therapy is a therapeutic intervention which allows the mind, body, and soul to start healing. Through the use of bilateral stimulation, which can be created in different forms, moving your eyes in different directions, tapping, sound, swaying, or rocking, we are able to distract the working memory. While focused on a specific target, which is identified by you, we distract or overwhelm the working memory with the bilateral stimulation. During this time, we work on desensitizing, or taking the sting out of, the target. This starts to create new neural networks, green wiring, in the brain. At the same time, the process allows the body to start releasing the emotions and sensations that have become stuck related to the target. The goal is to bring the disturbance from the worst possible feeling to a zero and clear the body sensations, thoughts, images, and emotions related to the target from ourselves. We shift the “I am unlovable” to “I am loveable”, “I can’t trust anyone” to “I can trust myself or others.” The body no longer holds that pain or tightness in your chest that causes you to feel like you can’t breathe when someone does or does not care about you. The threat response has been neutralized. Where you couldn’t feel joy or love now there is a space to allow these emotions to exist.

    What can EMDR Therapy be used for?

    EMDR Therapy is not a talk therapy intervention and can be intense. Research has shown that it helps alleviate the effects from trauma in a quicker way than talk therapy can. EMDR Therapy can be used for trauma, a one-time target (PTSD), ongoing childhood trauma (CPTSD, personality disorders, dissociation), relationship trauma (DV, narcissistic abuse), sexual trauma, military experiences, first responder experiences, substance use, pain management, performance enhancement, anxiety, OCD, fears, phobias, and suicidal ideations.

    What are the options for Intensive trauma treatment?

    At Graceful Warrior Counseling and Consulting, I offer several therapy options to work through trauma. We can work with ongoing weekly appointments. Or, I offer more intensive options as listed above. This may mean you have more intense trauma that you wish to focus on. During the intensive sessions, I will integrate different interventions you are comfortable with to help clear the targets and support you in finding a healthy space to view yourself, others, and the world from. Therapy options during an intensive may include EMDR Therapy, Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt Therapy, Image Transformation Therapy, Art Therapy, Inner Child and parts work.